At Alternative Space Ggooll
Nov 16 - Dec 20, 2011
PL: People Living with HIV/AIDS
This exhibition is a project for sexual minorities and People Living with HIV/AIDS.
Untitled, 2011, paint, plastic, printed paper, wood, glass, nail, installation at ggooll, Korea. |
This installation reproduced the interior gay and lesbian bars and clubs in Korea. Therefore, people who visit gay and lesbian bars often will perceive this space as their own space,
in other words, space for sexual minorities rather than the space of heterosexuals.
On the other hand, people who have not been to gay or lesbian bars in Korea do not have any clues about the meaning of this installation.
Placement of frames, vine decoration on the wall, and color and texture of the wall are the same as the ones in gay and lesbian bars in Korea.
Through long periods of interview, interiors of about 20 bars that gays and lesbians of Korea prefer in these days were selected and researched through interview with them. |
Untitled, 2011, paint, plastic, printed paper, wood, glass, nail, installation at ggooll, Korea. |
Paper Rock Scissor, 2011, silicon(witch nose), game. |
When an audience enters the exhibition hall, one plays 'paper rock scissor' with the person who guards the exhibition hall.
If the visitor loses then he or she has to wear a 'witch nose' while looking through the exhibition and if the visitor wins then he or she can enjoy the exhibition without any penalty.
Untitled, 2011, paint, mirror, plastic, printed paper, glass, steel, nail, installation at ggooll, Korea.
This installation also reproduced the interior gay and lesbian bars and clubs in Korea.
This space focused on gay and lesbian clubs in Korea. 'The stage for love' was installed in here. Visitors play 'paper rock scissor' as entering the exhibition hall and visitors with a witch
nose and other visitors are mixed and participate in 'the stage for love'. These people can do 'identifying' of making same gestures while listening to same sound sources (recorded
Untitled, 2011, paint, mirror, plastic, printed paper, glass, steel, nail, installation at ggooll, Korea. |
The stage for love #2, 2011, recorded sound, head set, mp3 player, wood, steel, installation at ggooll, Korea.
This work is the recorded sound source (recorded sound).
Participants will receive the sound source according to the order of entrance. The sound source directs each different gesture. There are about 10 gestures and each different
rhythm is given according to these gestures. Gestures are randomly identical between 4 people 3 people and 2 people or 5 people 2 people and 2 people.
Therefore, it is possible to see 'identifying', which shows people who make same gestures are listening to same sound sources. |
Untitled, 2011, wood, steel, acyl, bulb, paint, 80x80x240 cm. |